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Notes & News

Is it worth it?

I’ve shared before about measuring success. However, goals are met through a series of individual decisions. Turn right or turn left? Go to this place or don’t? Plan a trip a day early in hopes you can connect with someone… Read More »Is it worth it?

Community Update ’24

While the region is blessed with eleven “official” community chapters, many other areas meet regularly & community is shared and developed through sections, Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC), Marriage Enrichment, and events like the upcoming Cannon Beach Pacific… Read More »Community Update ’24

A quick(-er) trip

Out of breath, I was about 4 running strides from the on ramp to the plane when I heard, “Boarding for Flight to Boise is now closed.” I walked those strides to the gate host and he said, “It actually… Read More »A quick(-er) trip

The Year of Jubilee

As we anticipate the 50th birthday of someone in our family, we recognize that the 50th year is the year of jubilee in the Old Testament. 10 And you shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to… Read More »The Year of Jubilee

Community Chapters

I get an email like the following one probably weekly (the “[ ]” are the only changes in the email): Good Afternoon,   I am a new intern that will be starting my pediatrics residency at [Residency] shortly. I recently graduated… Read More »Community Chapters


It’s hard to know where to start with this trip. First of all, if it weren’t for generous donors, I don’t think I could have enjoyed it or been at peace about it in the way that I was. Second,… Read More »Nicaragua