“CMDA campus ministry has provided a place to talk about Jesus in the chaos of medical school. In school, it is easy to forget about your faith or put it on the back burner. CMDA has allowed me to stop and reflect on my walk with Jesus.” – 1st year student
“CMDA has allowed me to have fellowship with other believers and reconnect with God since I started medical school. The stress and business of life convinced me that I had an excuse to stop going to church, but being part of CMDA changed that.” – 1st year student
“Through CMDA, I found brothers and sisters in Christ on the same path that have prayed for me, not only for success academically, but to grow a stronger relationship with God. We support one another on our calling for medicine as a vocation. –2nd year student

“The CMDA Campus Ministry helped strengthen my relationship with God during one of the most intense years of school I’ll likely experience. The leadership and members helped me with keeping me spiritually and emotionally fed during that time.” – 2nd year student
“Medical school has tested my faith in so many ways, and I’ve definitely had to wrestle through some difficult times. Having fellow believers alongside me–strengthening our relationships with the Lord–has been wonderful and enriching.” –2nd year student
“CMDA has provided me with an invaluable, safe space to continue to grow in my relationship with The Lord, I could never begin to give back all that CMDA has done for me on my campus.” –2nd year student
“CMDA has given me the group of faithful friends I needed in dental school. Moving to a new state after college was difficult, and I struggled to find people with the same goals as me, but CMDA has given me that comfort and guidance.” – 1st year student

“Please pray. I was last minute reassigned (after onboarding, etc.) from a generic suburban family medicine rotation to one that is focused on transgender medicine (including hormones, etc.). I have asked the school to let me remain at the original site (for other compelling reasons). Please pray that they let me go to my original site instead of this Beverly Hills “gender-affirming care” focused site. Also, if I end up at this site, please pray that God will guide me and prevent me from engaging in anything unethical. 🙏” – 2nd year student who wound up at the site but has been spared from anything so far
“CMDA has served as an anchor for my faith. CMDA not only reminded me of the reason I went into medicine in the first place, but it was also the bridge between my faith and medicine. It provided the practical aspect of living a Jesus filled life.” – 2nd year Student Leader

“CMDA has allowed me to see God at work in the lives of physicians, their families, and other med students which is super encouraging! I have really appreciated getting to go on the retreat and spend time with the Lord away from the school chaos too.” – 2nd year Student Leader