1,800 Miles in the Desert with Your Boss
Yup! Bill Reichart, VP of Campus & Community, and I spent the last week of July and the first week of August together. You might think, “That many hours with your boss? Sounds brutal.” Hardly. We had a great time together and saw God’s hand at work in ways we did not expect!

Las Vegas, NV to St. George, UT to Albuquerque, NM to Las Cruces, NM to El Paso, TX to Tucson, AZ to Tempe, AZ to Strawberry, AZ and back to Phoenix. Whew! What a trip. From the hustle and bustle of Vegas to the Red Rocks of UT through the desert of NM and the cacti of AZ, we were blessed to see it all.
If I can say anything in response, it’s that God is at work. Don’t let any media tell you otherwise. We met an LDS (Mormon) student who came to faith in the Triune God after an overwhelming experience in his first anatomy lab, prayed for a physician in a malpractice case, and only hours later heard that one of YOU was part of the conversation in his coming to faith in Jesus, met missionaries to Togo, Ecuador, Papua New Guinea; met a dentist who just arrived from India; and saw rich opportunities for communities of healthcare professionals across the desert.

When I captured the map seen here, it reminded me of the apostle Paul and all his journeys. His first was about 1,500 miles (tinyurl.com/yw3gdxo3), but the following two journeys and his trip to Rome were more than Bill and I had traveled earlier this month. It’s hard to believe.