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Amazing Campus Advisors

Campus Ministry simply would not be as effective as it is without Campus Advisors.

Who are Campus Advisors?

For those who are on faculty at a school, we need “official” campus advisors registered with the school. This is vital (funny story about one school will be posted soon).

Even if not on faculty at a school, community healthcare professionals are often more involved than even faculty. Supporting students through many of the ways below, as well as just being present, is more valuable than you’d ever know.

What do they do?

It totally varies advisor to advisor. Some are names on paper so the students can have an official chapter with the school and receive benefits like reserving rooms, posting announcements around campus, receiving funding as an official club. Other advisors disciple students, meet at all the events, provide meals, host them in their homes, or any combination therein. It really just varies.

When students know their Campus Advisor and know that they could show up at their meeting, there is an amazing confidence for the leaders and the club. We think it’s best for CAs to:

Can I ask a current advisor questions? to hear more?

Yes! Laurie Tam is our lead Campus Advisor for the region. She gathers all the region’s Campus Advisors monthly during the school year for a Saturday morning meeting on Zoom. She can answer questions, suggest best practices, and get you connected to another advisor who may be near you. Being that she’s in Hawaii, she is probably not too close to you!

How Can I Become One?

So glad you are interested! The first step to become an “official” Campus Advisor for CMDA is to complete the application, then it is a matter of meeting with the student leaders and Regional Director to determine fit.

To read more about becoming a Campus Advisor, see this dedicated page for Campus Advisors.

* Disclaimer: students can be particular. One year you might be a great fit; another you may not. In the case of community-based Campus Advisors, we allow students to gauge who might be compatible.

Do I have to be a healthcare professional to help a chapter?

No way! I’m not one. It’s phenomenal campus ministry with people who are way smarter than me! While I use the wisdom, education, and experience I have, students always challenge me and make me better! If you love the Lord and students find you connect well with them, we would love your help. See above on “How Can I Become One” for next steps.