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Area Leaders ’23-’24

It was mentioned a number of months ago the goal to structure the region by areas instead of trying to take it all as one big region. Bite size pieces are better. Plus, 70+ schools across 13 states is truly impossible for one person to manage. To help accomplish this goal, we have student leaders helping us to reach out to other student leaders in their areas.

Updated Links for Newsletter

Oops! I didn’t update my links! I’m so sorry … check out the amended newsletter here.

These are the areas:

  • Pacific Northwest (PNW)
  • Northern California, Reno, and Hawaii (NorCal)
  • Southern California (SoCal)
  • Vegas, Arizona, and New Mexico (Desert)
  • Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado (Mountain)

We have two leaders who represent our region to a national student community (NSC) of regional representatives across our four regions.

The last three years’ leaders and I were able to capture a picture in April of ’23 here. Jenna Starke is a fourth year at WWAMI Bozeman and will graduate in ’24. Michelle Tan is also a fourth year at Cal Health Science Univ. Like Michelle, Esther Bartlett is in the military, serving in her emergency medicine residency in San Diego, after graduating from Cal Northstate University in ’23.

Jenna was featured in a clip sharing what CMDA has meant to her. Her testimony, not just on this clip, but how God has brought her to medicine, is beautiful!

Joining Jenna this year is Zion Shih, a third year MD/PhD student at Loma Linda University. She is a rockstar, so far, and will only make the NSC and our regional team better … in fact, she already has!

Jem Ostrea, a third year at PNWU in Yakima, will be serving the PNW

Josh Ibanez, a 3rd year at Rocky Vista in CO, will be guiding the Mountain Area

Kacey Kemper, a fourth year at Mayo Clinic in AZ, will be shepherding the Desert Area

As you think of these students, please pray for them that they can find success in connecting with other leaders and helping their local chapters be what they couldn’t be with only the support of Campus Advisors, Area Directors, and I. Students respond much better to other students!

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