While the region is blessed with eleven “official” community chapters, many other areas meet regularly & community is shared and developed through sections, Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC), Marriage Enrichment, and events like the upcoming Cannon Beach Pacific Northwest Winter Conference.

Another one of those communities is Side By Side (SBS), a fantastic ministry to wives of healthcare professionals! Our rockstar SBS Regional Director, Lindsay Ilgenfritz, just upped the number of chapters to eleven in our region after bringing Billings, MT, on board. To see more SBS chapters, visit https://cmda.org/side-by-side/.
Please let me know if you want to start a chapter in your area! We have at least three more communities in the process of getting their chapters “official.”
Here are the “official” chapters (meeting 2x/year & have a constitution on file):

Other Communities where we’d love to see chapters:
- Bay Area
- Los Angeles
- Inland Empire
- Orange County
- San Diego
- Las Vegas
- Boise
- St. George
- Billings
- Cheyenne
- Fort Collins
- More?