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Going on a Trip … to Nicaragua!?

Last year around this time I had a daydream imagining going on a trip like this each year with students from multiple schools joining together. I feverishly looked up all 50+ schools’ Spring Break weeks (they are from February through April!). Before I dug deeper, which seemed overwhelming, I gave up. Some campus advisors asked to see the list in a meeting, and apparently campus advisors from Rocky Vista University in Colorado, RVU in Utah, and California Health Sciences University in California worked behind the scenes to make this trip happen. Three schools from three different states, plus other healthcare professionals all over the country! Dave & Gail Simon, Barbara & Darren Holck, and George & Angelica Gonzalez are my heroes!

Since I would love to continue this goal of merging schools to go on a trip each year, I knew I had to join them. With our son Caleb getting married 10 days before and already having a taxed regional budget because of so much travel, I’m stepping out in faith to see God provide financially. Will you pray and ask God if He wants you to contribute financially to this trip? If you sense he’s nudging you, I would love to have you join me in making it happen. Here is the link to do so.

Whether or not you are able to contribute financially, I would love to have you consider praying daily for our team of 39. Download this calendar link to your phone and you’ll receive a 9am reminder while we are gone to pray for us!

1 thought on “Going on a Trip … to Nicaragua!?”

  1. Wow this is so cool Wes. What a great article and we are so excited that you are joining us for the trip. I’m excited to see what God is going to do through each one of us.

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