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Partner with Wes in the West

Will you join me in serving healthcare professionals in the Western Region? I have the privilege of serving as a pastor, teacher, leader for numerous campus and community ministries throughout the west. I can’t do it alone and need both ministry volunteers and financial partners. Will you join me?



With Wes


Do you like to connect with other people in your area?

We need people to gather and rally like-minded Christian Healthcare Professionals at certain times of the years for various reasons (speaker in town, needs for students, new resident or professional to the area, etc.).

State Representative

Navigating new members through CMDA’s array of ministries:
§ Introducing new members to local Councils 
§ Encouraging lapsed members to reconsider 

Being a resource and voice for your state in:
§ Writing monthly State Newsletter (a paragraph or two)
§ Staying aware of significant aspects of legislation that may be impacting healthcare professionals in your state
§ Connecting bi-annually with your state’s Regional Director

Serve as a member of the CMDA House of Representatives: 
§ Required Attendance at Annual House of Representatives the day before National Convention
§ Liaison at State-Level to Trustee Board and House of Representatives 
§ Approve Ethics Statements, Trustee Candidates & CMDA President 

Core Team

Numerous areas throughout the country have community chapters that meet regularly. Developing a consistent gathering and actually doing medical ministry and ministry to students takes a team.

A core team of three champions gets any locale to begin a community chapter. Reach out to inquire about how to form such a core team.

Here are some areas with community chapters, and even councils, throughout the country.


Once core teams expand, they form a larger group which composes a council/board. These chapters have a budget within CMDA, often have staff, and are active in doing ministry locally and abroad.

If interested in this, either contact your local core team or council to become a part … or inquire here.

Missions Organizer (local/global)

Often members of councils will hold different responsibilities for the ministry. Regardless of whether one finds themself in an official capacity within a council, each chapter always needs help finding and arranging where and how to do medical missions.

Campus Advisor

For those who are on faculty at a school, we need “official” campus advisors registered with the school. This is vital (funny story about one school will be posted soon).

Even if not on faculty at a school, community healthcare professionals are often more involved than even faculty. Supporting students through many of the ways below, as well as just being present, is more valuable than you’d ever know.

To read more about becoming a Campus Advisor, see this dedicated page for Campus Advisors.

* Disclaimer: students can be particular. One year you might be a great fit; another you may not. In the case of community-based Campus Advisors, we allow students to gauge who might be compatible.


A regular gathering

A one-time gathering

Student leader

Overnight for an event

A Meal

Regular Meeting
Whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, or another pattern, students often enjoy meeting in a home

Special Event



Give Financially

Directly to students
Sometimes students will submit receipts or you can pay for whatever items might be needed for whatever event.

Give through Area or Region Directors
Pacific Northwest (OR, WA) – Michael McLaughlin
Phoenix, AZ – Bryan & Sharon Stoudt
Western Region – Wes Ehrhart


Stick me on your regular prayer list
I’d love to be prayed for, especially for the impact God might do through me for those I get to serve. Like Paul in Colossians, I ask that you: Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

Pray Spontaneously
Pray when you think of me, ask me randomly if I come to mind.

Receive Immediate Requests via Email or Text
I may send out prayer request for unique needs, whether global, national, or even trips / conversations I will have. I’d like to share with you, but don’t want to crowd your inbox or text box with too much. This lets me know that you are willing to receive notices.


I would love to have you do so!

To donate now, visit this page.

To read more about what your support goes to, visit the Support Raising page.


I travel. A bunch. I love to connect with people (& avoid hotel fees). I’m pretty easy to host, but I can’t stay with cats (sorry, but you don’t want me sneezing all night). No food allergies (don’t prefer onions, mushrooms, or super spicy foods).

If you are willing to host me in your area, please let me know! I already have some folks in certain places who are my “regulars” but if they aren’t able, I would love to have some back-ups, if at all possible!


Yes, please! This would be random texts, voicemails, stories you’ve heard about healthcare students or professionals living out their faith in medicine.

I love that I get to work from home the majority of the time, but it can also be lonely. There is SO MUCH GOOD that God is doing and I can’t wait to both hear and share about that.

My email is & you can text me at 916-716-7826. Snail mail? Contact me and I’ll send it to you.

Warning: you may receive random reciprocated messages from me in return. I tend to think that’s a good benefit. I’m praying for you as you do me!


I send two:

Sign up to receive either, both, or just look at my Newsletter page here.