Yup … I am. And I am actually excited for others to partner with me in this ministry through prayer, encouragement, and being the hands and feet through me within the healthcare community and this phenomenal ministry. This requires raising support through partners like you. I invite you to join me in serving students and healthcare professionals today!
FAQs on Support Raising
How do I give?
The easiest way to give is at this link here.
How much money do you need?

More important than money, however, is monthly (quarterly, etc.) supporters. This has gone up and down throughout the time with CMDA. My goal would be about 50. The following is not up to date, but gives a picture of what I envision that looking like:

What is the money used for?
Some of this may beckon more questions, but it gives a good idea of where the money goes and where I want it to go. If you have questions, I’d love to talk with you further if you are interested!
Right now, the money donated to me goes into CMDA’s general fund, which, in turn, helps fund my ministry expenses. While my salary does come out of the general fund, my goal, ultimately, is to raise my own support to help CMDA overall.
Here is my current budget, including expected support raised:

My DREAM would be to have the following budget 🙂 :

Why would you go from a job with guarantee pay to raising support?
The only thing I can say is that I’m insane. Or called/inspired/propelled to serve in this capacity. I’ll let you choose. There’s a little bit of “based on experience, it makes sense to serve in this role,” mixed with a “I am passionate about seeing professionals live out their faith at work,” sprinkled with a whole lot of “this where we sense the Lord leading us in this season (Acts 15:28).” You can read more about this in my first newsletter, which can be found on the Newsletter page.
When Sherry and I interviewed with CMDA in TN in November of ’21, we both knew this was part of the role. Having an on-ramp to get to the level of support needed, it is now time to kick it into gear and focus more on it.
I will say that while I am raising support, my salary is supported by our national ministry. However, the ministry budget needs to be generated to create further growth and support to campus and community ministry.
Why would doctors need money?
This is probably the biggest hurdle to overcome with people, but honestly, the easiest to answer. I’m not asking doctors to give me money. I’m asking people who believe in what I am doing to come alongside the ministry and support me and those serving with me.
The average medical school debt was $200,000 … in 2019. Dental School? $300,000! (Source here.) It takes quite a bit of time to pay that off, and doctors do not begin making money right out of school.

Moreover, I think the key to helping the healthcare world begins with those who are training in medicine. Giving hope to Christian students is crucial to all of our healthcare. That is where healthcare professionals develop their foundation and ethics in medicine. Additionally, many are curious and/or coming to a crisis of faith. Studying as intensely as they do, and facing life and death is jarring for many.
USC Dental school grads will walk away with one $500,000 in debt.
The average for dental schools is $300,000.
I’ll be honest, I had no idea about medical school, residency, or fellowships even after I took this position as Western Regional Director with CMDA. Understanding it now, I am even more passionate to help students live out their faith in medicine than when I imagined what the role would be. Students NEED you, and by supporting the ministry, you get to be a part of it.
Lastly, healthcare professionals are driven people. Communities of them create a synergy and ideas that are greater than what they can counter to accomplish. Being able to help them accomplish the great ministry ideas they come up with is a crucial piece of the puzzle that CMDA is. As I work with communities, it will take people in those areas to administrate the ministry and make it so that the healthcare professionals do what they do best and have guidance from someone passionate about their ministry.
Can’t doctors support other doctors?
I would not want only healthcare professionals supporting us financially. More people need to be both aware and on board with what is gong on in healthcare, helping those professionals receive support through the ministries we offer and from a pastor like myself.
The people I’ve met in the medical field are among the most generous I have ever encountered. As you can imagine, many people solicit them for funds. Churches, non-profits, and more “want a piece” of the pie. I encourage our healthcare professionals to always give to their churches first & then to parachurch ministries like CMDA. To that end, while healthcare professionals have a unique heart for this ministry, and give generously, they can’t be the only ones to support what is going on.
Have more questions?
Email your questions & they may just get posted here!