Here are some quotes from emails, texts, and more over the past year:
“Thank you so much for coming to our area! I walked away from coffee so encouraged. And from my heart, thank you for praying! … Thank you again for everything. Warmly, …” – OB Hospitalist
“Council meeting last night was the best we have had in at least 5 years. I am thrilled! PTL … We are cooking with gas! I am beside myself elated.” – Community Chapter leader

“Thank you for listening to me confide in you, sharing with me, and praying for me. You are a huge blessing. May our faithful Lord continue to bless you, your family, and your ministry. Have a safe trip home.” – Long-time CMDA member
“Nice to meet you Pastor Wes (Fellow Bay Arean now 😃). Truly grateful to God for placing me in this community.” – 2nd year Student Leader
“Thank you so much … for coming out here and encouraging us! Last night was such a gift, God is so kind 😁” – 2ndyear Student Leader

“Thanks for the great advice and for meeting with our leadership team … Your visit was a great encouragement and help for me personally.” – Campus Advisor
“Thank you very much my dear pastor, may God bless you and your family. Thank God your advice and the teachings we received from you left us very motivated and that is why we continue to meet to plan activities together and ensure that the work of the Lord does not stop winning souls for Christ.” – Pastor from Nicaragua eight months after the trip!