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Student Leaders

Guest Speaker Dr. Kristin Collier, MD, FACP, from the University of Michigan – Aug. 18 Student Leader Form (links to resources in dropdown below)

Western Region Student Leader Forums are typically the 3rd Sunday every quarter month (Feb, May, Aug, Nov). Email for Zoom link (one will be sent the week of the meeting to all students who’ve completed a Student Leadership Application).

Western Region Student Leader Forum Archive


August 16
Topic: Living our Faith in a Secular Culture

Guest Speaker Dr. Kristin Collier, MD, FACP, from the University of Michigan

References Used in Talk:

More from/about Dr. Collier:

May 19
Topic: Advancing Missions in Healthcare, Away Rotations, Scholarships, and more

Feb. 25, 2024
Topic: Mentoring

Western Region Student Leader Forum, Nov 16, 2023
Western Region Student Leader Forum, Aug. 20, 2023

National Student Leader Equipping Forums


Coming Soon …

Sex & Sexuality | November, 2023
What is the Gospel? | October, 2023

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